Neil Young E The Bluenotes - This Notes For You

Gravadora =  Reprise Records

Ano = 1988

Numero de Catalogo = 6704163

Pais de origem = Brasil

Conservação = Ex(Capa) / Ex(Vinil)

Obs. = Com encarte.

Lado A
1.Ten Men Workin' 6:27
2.This Note's For You 2:04
3.Coupe De Ville 4:16
4.Life In The City 3:13
5.Twilight 5:55

Lado B
1.Married Man 2:35
2.Sunny Inside 2:34
3.Can't Believe Your Lyin' 2:56
4.Hey Hey 3:02
5.One Thing Tambourine – Steve Onuska 6:02

Neil Young E The Bluenotes - This Notes For You - Lp 1988

Neil Young E The Bluenotes - This Notes For You - Lp 1988 R$89,99

Neil Young E The Bluenotes - This Notes For You

Gravadora =  Reprise Records

Ano = 1988

Numero de Catalogo = 6704163

Pais de origem = Brasil

Conservação = Ex(Capa) / Ex(Vinil)

Obs. = Com encarte.

Lado A
1.Ten Men Workin' 6:27
2.This Note's For You 2:04
3.Coupe De Ville 4:16
4.Life In The City 3:13
5.Twilight 5:55

Lado B
1.Married Man 2:35
2.Sunny Inside 2:34
3.Can't Believe Your Lyin' 2:56
4.Hey Hey 3:02
5.One Thing Tambourine – Steve Onuska 6:02