B.B. King - His Best - The Electric B.B. King

Gravadora = MCA Records
Ano = 1980

Numero de Catalogo = MCA 27007

Pais de origem = Brasil

Conservação = Ex(Capa com marcas leves) / Ex(Vinil)

Obs. = Sem encarte.

Lado A
1.Tired Of Your Jive
2.Don't Answer The Door
3.The B. B. Jones
4.All Over Again
5.Paying The Cost To Be The Boss

Lado B
1.Think It Over
2.I Done Got Wise
3.Meet My Happiness
4.Sweet Sixteen (Parts 1 & 2)
5.You Put It On Me
6.I Don't Want You Cutting Off Your Hair

B.B. King - His Best - The Electric B.B. King Lp USA 1980

B.B. King - His Best - The Electric B.B. King Lp USA 1980 R$99,99

B.B. King - His Best - The Electric B.B. King

Gravadora = MCA Records
Ano = 1980

Numero de Catalogo = MCA 27007

Pais de origem = Brasil

Conservação = Ex(Capa com marcas leves) / Ex(Vinil)

Obs. = Sem encarte.

Lado A
1.Tired Of Your Jive
2.Don't Answer The Door
3.The B. B. Jones
4.All Over Again
5.Paying The Cost To Be The Boss

Lado B
1.Think It Over
2.I Done Got Wise
3.Meet My Happiness
4.Sweet Sixteen (Parts 1 & 2)
5.You Put It On Me
6.I Don't Want You Cutting Off Your Hair